Educational Approach

Educational Programs by City Growers target Youth in STEM fields, beekeeping is one of those activities

City Growers uses an experiential approach to K-12 learning with Educators as facilitators of learning, and young people as explorers of ideas.

Our original curriculum design is aligned with NYS STEM and Science Learning Standards. Our trained Educators adapt lessons of Urban Ecology and Urban Agriculture to learning at Brooklyn Grange rooftop farms and beyond - in school classrooms and gardens, city parks and playgrounds - demonstrating to the young people we work with that nature is all around us, and we all play an active role in our Urban Ecosystem.

City Growers offers a variety of programs and ways to engage young people in this ecosystem. These programs are meant to complement each other in a ladder of learning, our continuum model that emphasizes peer to peer learning and greater responsibility as youth age through our programs. At the top of our ladder are workforce development programs, introducing teenagers to green careers that will serve the green economy.